Sunday, 26 April 2015

How to get mobility (for weightlifting, powerlifting, etc..)

In this article i will show you how to get mobility. And also i will explain with what this mobility exercise will help you for your workouts.

Ankle mobility : 

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How it helps :

Ankle mobility will help a lot especially with squats and deadlifts. If you are high bar squatter you definitely have to have good ankle mobility. But it's not only necessary for a high bar squatters. Ankle mobility allows you to stay upright when you squat which means that you will use more your legs and less your lower back.

How to stretch it :
My favourite exercise for ankles is to get bar with plates 10-15kg, to stay like you are squatting and to put the bar on the top of your knees. You have to press the bar down and you torso has to stay upright. Hold it for 30 sec. and repeat it 3 times.

Shoulders mobility :

How it helps : 
Shoulder mobility helps you with snatches and overhead presses.

How to stretch it :
Get one stick long enough and take it with wide grip. Than rotate your hands as you can see in the picture. You elbows have to be straight all the time. Start with very wide grip and than you can close it. Do it 3 sets for 10 reps.

Tricep mobility :

How it helps :
Tricep mobility is very necessary for good rack position. If you are doing front squats, overhead press, clean and jerk, trusters etc. You will need that good rack position.

How to stretch it :
For this exercise you will need a partner. Put your hands under the bar and put your elbows on the shoulders on your partner. He has to hold the bar to not moving. Than gradually your friend has to press your elbows higher. Do it 3 sets and hold for 30 sec.

Harmstrings, quads, glutes mobility :
There are a lot of exercises about these muscle groups, but i will show you some of them.
Harmstrings stretch :
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A good exercise for harmstring stretching is yo put your leg somewhere(on the chair for example) get your back arched and press with your lowerback out. Also keep your leg straight. Do this 3 sets for 10 sec.

Quads stretch :

Lay on the floor with your knees in front of you and lay back. You can do it also with your 2 legs like i do. Hold it for a 10-30 sec. for 3 sets.

Glutes stretch :

Very used yoga exercise. Just cross your leg sitting with the ankle on your other leg knee and press the knee closer to you. Do it 3 sets x 20 sec.

Hope you guys like it, if you wanna see my training videos, chek out my youtube channel (OcerWorld) also follow me on twitter (SimeonPavlovGym) and google+(OcerWorld) and subscribe on my youtube channel. If you have any questions : e-mail :
Peace !

Also you can follow me on instagram : simeon.pavlov

Friday, 24 April 2015

Stretching : is it necessary ? (mobility)

In this article i'm gonna explain is the stretching necessary and actually why IS NECESSARY.

If you ever trained some kind of sport like martial arts, weightlifting and even footbal, you will know that every training starts with a stretching. But this is not just to waste a time.

Reason 1 : protects
The first reason that stretching is necessary is that it protects you from injury. If you didn't stretch you muscles will be very tight and this will cause very bad injury no matter what you are doing as a sport.

Reason 2 : mobility
Stretching is very helpful especially if you train with weights and i mean with big weights, It makes your mobility better and you perform the exercises better. If you don't have mobility you won't be able to squat and deadlift corectly, which will cause again bad injury.

Reason 3 : recovery
If you had very heavy training and your muscles are excited, stretching will help you very much to recover faster. Because your muscles will be tight and when you stretch them they will relax and you wont be "wooden"

So if you DON'T stretch it's time to START.

Next article : How to get mobility (or how to stretch).  Expect it soon !

Hope you guys like it, if you wanna see my training videos, chek out my youtube channel (OcerWorld) also follow me on twitter (SimeonPavlovGym) and google+(OcerWorld) and subscribe on my youtube channel. If you have any questions : e-mail :
Peace !

Also you can follow me on instagram : simeon.pavlov

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Overhead Press : Types of Overhead Press

Today i'm gonna write about overhead press and especially for types and differences of OHP. Because many people understand different things when you tell them "an overhead press" so today you will understand what actually is " an overhead press"

Types of overhead press : 

1 - Military press
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This is when you are standing up and your are pressing only with your arms. It's called military because if you were in army or just watch military videos, often you can see that group of 10-20 people pressing a tree over their heads, so that's from where the name comes. You just get the barbell on your shoulders, elbows a little bit more than 90C*,  get a huge breathe,squeeze the glutes and press.

2 - Seated military press
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The same thing is with seated military press, but you just are sitting, in order to isolate the tension in legs and lower back. I actually don't recommend this press, because it doesn't need stabilisation, which make your abs and lower back stronger.

3 - Push press
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Push press is almost like military press, but here you are using your legs. You press more with the power from your legs than with power from your shoulders, triceps  etc. You just have to squat a little bit and explode up with pressing the bar. This is more strongman exercise, but i like it so much.

4 - Jerk and Split Jerk

This exercise is most common in weightlifting. Because you can press more weight over your head with jerk or split jerk.
Jerk is using not only your legs, your shoulders etc. but your explosive power. You have to squat a little bit, than jump and press. This is difficult and dangerous, but i like it because of the explosive power.

Differences between jerk and split jerk ?
- Well, the jerk is when you jump and press the weight, catching it with a half squat. But the split jerk is when you push your one leg back, You can see it on the picture - 1 is split jerk, 2 is jerk.

Hope you guys like it, if you wanna see my training videos, chek out my youtube channel (OcerWorld) also follow me on twitter (SimeonPavlovGym) and google+(OcerWorld) and subscribe on my youtube channel. If you have any questions : e-mail :
Peace !

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Powerlifting : differences between low and high bar squatting.

You guys had probably asked yourself about the bar position on squat. In this article, i will explain you the pros and cons of high and low bar squatting and finally i will tell you my vision of this.

High Bar Squat :
When you squat high bar, your bar position is right on your traps.
High bar squat is also called "isolated" squat. Why? Because when you squat with high bar, your legs are moving the most of the weight, and your back actually is not so much used.
But is this bad?
No, no at all. You won't use the back so much, but you will use legs and this is very good for you, because you will get stronger legs and you will move more weight.
In high bar squatting the centre of gravity is moved behind, that's why legs participates more.

Low Bar Squat : 

If you squat low bar, you won't use legs so much, but you will use your back a lot. The  main goal of the low bar squat is to move the center of gravity forward and to use the back more. The low bar position is right on your back shoulder. Some people believe that they will move more weight low bar, but is this true?

Will i move more weight with low bar squat?

NO ! This fact depends so much of the person, of genetics, of structure. Some people(shorter most of time) can move more weight low bar. But if you look at weightlifters, some of them (Stefan Botev for example) can squat 320kg and he did it highbar. If you want to find your best position, just try it ! Try to squat high bar, then low bar, and you will see what is comfortable for you.

My vision on this : 

Actually guys, i do not squat low bar neither high bar, That's what i do is something like hybrid squat(low and high bar). I squat exactly like Andrey Malanichev and my bar position is right behind my traps. I feel it more comfortable than high or low bar position.

Hope you guys like it, if you wanna see my training videos, chek out my youtube channel (OcerWorld) also follow me on twitter (SimeonPavlovGym) and google+(OcerWorld) and subscribe on my youtube channel. If you have any questions : e-mail :
Peace !

Monday, 16 February 2015

Powerlifting motivation - how i started doing powerlifting

So today i won't write article about training, eating, giving tips etc. that's write i will write for is how i started with powerlifting. How i meet this sposrt? How i got motivated? How i started? ....

So, i was a 14 years old kid and i wanted to make muscle. I have always wanted to be big and strong. So i found a training program, which was 5x5 strenght system, because i did a lot of bodybuilding exercises, most of them were isolated exercises but i did't get any change of my body and my muscles. So i started 5x5 system. At the end of my 14 age, i already made 95kg 5x5 deadlift and 80kg squat. My bench press was weak, like 65-67,5kgs.

I understood that this is the program for me. I was very happy with my strenght. Before starting this program i weighted 61kg, and at the end of it i was 75kg. This heavy squatting, deadlifting, benchpressing and rowing gave me a lot of size and strenght. After this program, i had to find another and that's how i met powerlifting. I used a lot of powerlifting programs and than i started making my own powerlifting programs, based on the 3 top exercise(deadlift, squat, benchpress) with assisting exercises.

I got motivated from a lot of powerlifters, especially RAW powerlifters like Konstantinovs, Malanichev, Koklyaev, Mendelson etc. And i told myself that i will be strong more and more. I trained so hard and i was very motivated and focused. My friends started to notice my success and they admire me. I was very proud of me. I started to traing them too, i teached them how to squat, deadlift, benchpress, overheads and they realised that powerlifting training builds a lot of muscle and strenght. I realised it too and im glad it wasn't too late.

And now, i'm 16 years old, training 5 times a week, preparing for competitions and couching 4 of my friends. I won't stop beating my personal records and i hope i won't have any injuries, because i understood that powerlifting IS MY LIFE and i will live it like a beast.

Hope you guys like it, if you wanna see my training videos chek out my youtube channel (OcerWorld) and also follow me on twitter and google + and subscribe for my youtube channel. Peace !