Sunday, 26 April 2015

How to get mobility (for weightlifting, powerlifting, etc..)

In this article i will show you how to get mobility. And also i will explain with what this mobility exercise will help you for your workouts.

Ankle mobility : 

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How it helps :

Ankle mobility will help a lot especially with squats and deadlifts. If you are high bar squatter you definitely have to have good ankle mobility. But it's not only necessary for a high bar squatters. Ankle mobility allows you to stay upright when you squat which means that you will use more your legs and less your lower back.

How to stretch it :
My favourite exercise for ankles is to get bar with plates 10-15kg, to stay like you are squatting and to put the bar on the top of your knees. You have to press the bar down and you torso has to stay upright. Hold it for 30 sec. and repeat it 3 times.

Shoulders mobility :

How it helps : 
Shoulder mobility helps you with snatches and overhead presses.

How to stretch it :
Get one stick long enough and take it with wide grip. Than rotate your hands as you can see in the picture. You elbows have to be straight all the time. Start with very wide grip and than you can close it. Do it 3 sets for 10 reps.

Tricep mobility :

How it helps :
Tricep mobility is very necessary for good rack position. If you are doing front squats, overhead press, clean and jerk, trusters etc. You will need that good rack position.

How to stretch it :
For this exercise you will need a partner. Put your hands under the bar and put your elbows on the shoulders on your partner. He has to hold the bar to not moving. Than gradually your friend has to press your elbows higher. Do it 3 sets and hold for 30 sec.

Harmstrings, quads, glutes mobility :
There are a lot of exercises about these muscle groups, but i will show you some of them.
Harmstrings stretch :
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A good exercise for harmstring stretching is yo put your leg somewhere(on the chair for example) get your back arched and press with your lowerback out. Also keep your leg straight. Do this 3 sets for 10 sec.

Quads stretch :

Lay on the floor with your knees in front of you and lay back. You can do it also with your 2 legs like i do. Hold it for a 10-30 sec. for 3 sets.

Glutes stretch :

Very used yoga exercise. Just cross your leg sitting with the ankle on your other leg knee and press the knee closer to you. Do it 3 sets x 20 sec.

Hope you guys like it, if you wanna see my training videos, chek out my youtube channel (OcerWorld) also follow me on twitter (SimeonPavlovGym) and google+(OcerWorld) and subscribe on my youtube channel. If you have any questions : e-mail :
Peace !

Also you can follow me on instagram : simeon.pavlov

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your mobility workouts! It's a big help to us. In my case, I used the pro bar for my daily mobility workouts. Try it now!
