High Bar Squat :
When you squat high bar, your bar position is right on your traps.
High bar squat is also called "isolated" squat. Why? Because when you squat with high bar, your legs are moving the most of the weight, and your back actually is not so much used.
But is this bad?
No, no at all. You won't use the back so much, but you will use legs and this is very good for you, because you will get stronger legs and you will move more weight.
In high bar squatting the centre of gravity is moved behind, that's why legs participates more.
Low Bar Squat :
If you squat low bar, you won't use legs so much, but you will use your back a lot. The main goal of the low bar squat is to move the center of gravity forward and to use the back more. The low bar position is right on your back shoulder. Some people believe that they will move more weight low bar, but is this true?
Will i move more weight with low bar squat?
NO ! This fact depends so much of the person, of genetics, of structure. Some people(shorter most of time) can move more weight low bar. But if you look at weightlifters, some of them (Stefan Botev for example) can squat 320kg and he did it highbar. If you want to find your best position, just try it ! Try to squat high bar, then low bar, and you will see what is comfortable for you.
My vision on this :
Actually guys, i do not squat low bar neither high bar, That's what i do is something like hybrid squat(low and high bar). I squat exactly like Andrey Malanichev and my bar position is right behind my traps. I feel it more comfortable than high or low bar position.
Hope you guys like it, if you wanna see my training videos, chek out my youtube channel (OcerWorld) also follow me on twitter (SimeonPavlovGym) and google+(OcerWorld) and subscribe on my youtube channel. If you have any questions : e-mail : ocerworld@gmail.com
Peace !
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